Friday, November 5, 2010

Leap of faith

Well, It is time for me to take a leap of faith. I have not been satisfied with where I am or what I am doing in life since I have come home from Japan. It seems as thought I have been merely existing in this world and not living up to my potential.

I have been trying to figure out what it is I need to be doing, what it is that would be most beneficial to me and those around me.

I am still not sure what it is I need to be doing in my life, but I have the distinct impression that it is up to me, and whatever I decide to do (as long as it is righteous) will be supported by Heavenly Father. I am scared about what I am about to do, but that is mainly because I will be without any kind of safety net. My family is not in any kind of position to help me out on this if I can not find a place to stay, or a job to support myself with, or financial aid to pay for school, or if something comes up unexpectedly. I do not have a support I can see, and that scares me. I know I have the support and encouragement of my family, but I will only have Heavenly Father there if things don't go according to plan.

Not being able to see my safety net is what is most frightening. It is going to require me to exercise a lot of faith. I will have the best safety net there is out there, but it requires a lot of faith and exercising faith on my part. The unknown scares and excites me. This is probable the biggest thing I have done to date.

So what is it I am planning on doing? I have decided to go to The Illinois Institute of Art Chicago to study fashion design. It is an expensive program, but I would like to take my sewing skills to the next level.

I plan on making custom Wedding dresses and gowns, special event attire, and anything else one might need or want. That is my ultimate goal in this direction. I want to do this for both a career and as a service.

I am sending in my application with in the week and am trying to find a job and a place to stay. There are a few people I know in the area, so I am hoping I can get there help. Hopefully in a few weeks I will have everything settled.

In the mean time, I have a few sewing projects on the table that I am trying to get done before Christmas. Some are personal projects and others are Christmas presents. I plan on posting those, along with school projects, as I get them done.

Keep a look out for posts on finished projects.

And wish me luck!


Ashley Serena said...

Oh, best of luck Tia-chan. You can conquer anything you want to. You have the confidence, the faith, the spirit. I love you so much, and wish you the greatest fortune in Chicago! <3

Katria said...

Best of luck! It's always scary to leave your comfort zone, but that's really the only way to make it grow, isn't it?

lirdabert said...

GO CELESTIA!!!! you can do it!!! and you'll make me so proud!! :D

i would LOVE to see the wedding dresses and special event stuff that you'll create! they will be beautiful, i just know it! i'm rooting for you!!! :D

and hey, did you hear the mormon tabernacle choir is looking for volunteer seamstresses for the upcoming christmas concert? they announced that in my single's ward, and i thought of you!

Tonya said...

Hey you are awesome! As soon as I read your plan I exclaimed "heeeeeeyyyy!" in excitement. I miss you! I know you'll do great in Chicago. And hopefully you'll have a better pair of boots this time :) Hey I don't think you have my VA number so I'll call you in the next couple weeks :)