Monday, August 27, 2007

Blog erlogel

As silly as I think this is, I am going to do it all the same. A Little blurb about me.... nothing special, just a little hello.

This is my first "blog", which is about time since I have done things similar to this in the past. I don't have a lot of time since I work full time and have a two hour commute every day. I won't make any promises that I will update very much or that often, but I hope that I will post something worth while to everyone. This blog is mostly for those who know me, but i also would love to make new friends.

I work at a local travel agency as a travel specialist. It is the biggest travel agency in the area. It is fun and I learn a lot, but I don't know if it is quite for me. Maybe I just need to get used to the job and gain a clientele before I can decide if it is for me or not. After all I have only been with this company for just under a year, I started last October. Well... we will see what happens.

I am planning on serving a mission for my church, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I have turned my papers in and now I am just waiting to see where I am called to. I am really excited to see where I will go. I am really excited to go out and serve the lord.

Well, that is about it...

Bla bla bla....

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