Saturday, January 23, 2010

Leo Palace, my home

Leo Palace
So here is a quick look at my apartment.

This is the lovely view as you walk into the
main living space.

Here we have my table on the right side of the room.
My lovely welcome poster is hanging on the wall.

Here on the left side of the room is my desk and TV.
Right now my TV is a hat stand and picture frame,
I don't watch much TV.

On the other side of the room we have my closet
and a full length mirror.

Here we have my door, a ladder, and most important:
My rice cooker!
Everyone should have one.

Now were does the ladder lead?

My Bed room!
I sleep in a little loft. I love it!
The only problem is that I am directly above my door
and directly below my upstairs neighbors door.
When they come in late and I am asleep I think someone is trying to get into my room,
It scares me to death every time.

As soon as I get the rest of my house cleaned I will take pictures of the rest of my apartment. I also have a kitchen, thrown room, and bathroom. This is only half of my apartment.
Celestia, Over and Out.


Ashley Serena said...

I love your apartment! It looks like an actual apartment! :P Mine is a rabbit hutch. And I sleep on the floor, basically. I love these photos!

Tegwen Ianthe said...

I'm sorry you sleep on the floor. I was happy that I have an apartment styled apartment. :P

I want to see what yours looks like.

Liz said...

oh my gosh, your apartment rules!! and it is huge compared to mine!! mine is also a rabbit hutch. :P i wish i had a sweet ladder leading to a loft where i slept!! your apartment puts mine to shame. to shame!!!!